Explosion Expectation Experience

“Explosion Expectation, Experience” is a gripping autobiography by Sabrina Freeman that delves deep into her tumultuous life, from a harrowing childhood in Newtown marked by witnessing abuse, to the challenges of teenage pregnancy at 13, and her struggles with drug use. The book culminates in a powerful revelation of faith that transformed her life.  Sabrina reflects on her journey, highlighting the pivotal role of faith. She recounts how her grandmother instilled faith in her, how she lost and regained it through life’s trials. Facing illness, the death of her grandson, and losing everything she had gained, Sabrina’s faith, though initially as small as a mustard seed, grew exponentially.

Through her story, Sabrina’s message is clear: faith can move mountains. She encourages those without faith to embrace it, as God can do extraordinary things. As she aptly puts it, “God will do big things for you.” Her life is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of faith. May her story inspire and uplift all who read it, as the journey of life continues for Sabrina and us all.

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In this book....

It’s my tell all book. How I rose, how I fell, how I stopped loving God, how I started back loving God. And I eventually gave my whole life to Christ who has given me grace and mercy throughout all these years, all these pains, all these heartaches that you’ll you’d about. May this book be a blessing to you. And the journey continues…

Sabrina Freeman

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Join Sabrina Freeman as she celebrates the release of her 3rd book, a tell-all biography titled “Explosion, Expectation, Experience.”

February 8th, 2025